# "S": scroll at screen center or at the selected object's center
# "0": don't scroll at all
# "+": scroll at screen center or don't scroll at all
if len(newlist)==0:
for newitem in newlist:
if "PixelSet" in newitem.classes:
applytexture(editor, newitem.shortname)
return 1
delta = None
if center != "0":
recenter = MapOption("Recenter")
if center != "+" or recenter:
bbox = quarkx.boundingboxof(newlist)
if bbox is None: #DECKER
bbox = (quarkx.vect(-1,-1,-1),quarkx.vect(1,1,1)) #DECKER create a minimum bbox, in case a ;incl="defpoly" is added to an object in prepareobjecttodrop()
#Added functionality to replace '[trigger]', '[clip]', '[origin]' and '[caulk]' texturenames.
#Changed the ';incl' function. Now it accepts values; "poly,trigger,clip,origin", and more than one can be specified to include, for instance a 'poly' and an 'origin' cube.
#Revision 1.7 2000/12/31 23:59:44 tiglari
#fixed adjust texture to fit face button problem (introduced by botched tab elimination)
#Revision 1.6 2000/12/30 05:29:37 tiglari
#moveselection acts on picked cp's of bezier patches if any are picked
#Revision 1.5 2000/12/29 08:10:42 tiglari
#extirpated tabs, hopefully without introducing errors...